Senin, 21 Januari 2008

The Disadvantages of Television

Nowadays television become widely spread all around the world without any hesitation with its bad influences. We can see all the bad influences from the television programmes that sometimes not fully censored by the government. We could just watch anything!

If we talk about the disadvantages of television, we have a lot to talk about. There are so many things that ruin the children development. Watching adult movie that's not suitable for children or teenager is one of the thing. There are many adult movie like American Pie, Scary Movie, that are broadcasted while children are still awake so it is possible for them to watch and be influenced by it.

The other thing that bring drawbacks by watching TV are action movies, political or even crime news. Action movies are broadcasted everyday and almost every hour. Even in Indonesian sinetrons are full of action movies which drive our children to immitate what they saw. By doing that, they want to show that they actually can be someone or something like in the movie they've watched.

Last but not least, by watching too much telly, children often forget to do their homework and feel lazy to study. As a result, they get bad marks in school. All they could think of is to stay all day watching telly without any disturbance from any disturbance from anybody including their parents. And unbelievable fact shows us actually some of the parents don't forbid their children or let their children stay up late watching telly.

From what we've discussed, we come at the end that this problem need to be sorted out. I think government should take this problem seriously, they should be more aware and put their concerns to it. They should cooperate with the television stations about arranging time and TV programmes that are suitable for each ages. In this case, parents take a big role to be more firm/strict with their children about the regulation of watching television.

Ok, ini salah satu writing yang saya buat di kelas Ibu Leila. Hope you enjoy reading it! Don't you agree with my statement di writing ini..

3 komentar:

Dorothy mengatakan...

My children are grown adults now but I remember when they were young I would limit their time watching television for a couple reasons, content and the fact they needed to play and create. So basically I structured their day allowing them watch certain programs (Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, etc) and then I would either provide other activities like cooking, painting, building etc and of course lots of time for free play.

It does concern me when I see folks using television as a babysitter and yes there is a lot of inappropriate content out there. I have not been an advocate for government control in this area but there are times where I wonder if some of these parents know they can and should be involved in what their children are watching. Maybe this should be about education of the parents and providing them with the tools they need to control access. Many cable companies offer they way to do this, they should push this service more and it should be free to the homes where children live.

mau beli mengatakan...

wowww.. its interesting topic
i hope u have to write with the other topic okay... (*_^)

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